
We have serious problems to solve, such as global warming, mental illness, physical illness, pollution, homelessness, and poverty. We need solutions.

DayBalancer supports initiatives that contribute to a healthy balance in our communities and planet 🌎

Learning Experience Design

Leverage our wellness background for your next training initiative.

Your energy, mood, and physical body are not only impacted by what you eat, but how and when you eat (and what you do after). Learn how it takes just 10 minutes to prep quality foods that are right for your body 🥘

Want to redefine your Ikigai? Explore what brings you joy, what you're naturally good at, what you think the world needs, and what can sustain you 💗

Quality sleep helps not only restore and rejuvenate, it helps with attention, learning, and decision-making. Find + work with your circadian rhythm to balance days with nights ahead 💤